Get in touch Ambassador Toolkit


Help us put our County on the map!

We know that places and organisations are stronger together. Our almost 300-strong Ambassador Network represents our collective effort to shout about all that Staffordshire is and strives to be. But we’re always looking out for new members!

There are lots of ways you can get involved, from donating resources for our marketing activities, to in-kind or sponsored support.

Being an Ambassador offers stacks of benefits to you and your organisation. But most of all, you’ll be playing your part in spreading the word about our great county.

Why be a Staffordshire Ambassador?

Whether you’re currently based in Staffordshire or live and work away but have fond links and memories here, we want you to tell everyone why Staffordshire is such a fantastic place to work and invest, visit, study and live.

Being an Ambassador is completely free of charge and offers so many opportunities. We don’t ask for set hours of support – just that you’ll share and use our materials, help us make connections and support our events and activities!

Here’s what you can expect in return:

  • Access to a Toolkit of Marketing Materials – We’ve created a toolbox of resources you can use to help promote Staffordshire, including high-quality images and video bank and a full range of branded assets including presentations and brochures, to use alongside your corporate materials.
  • Networking & Events – As an Ambassador, you’ll be part of a business and community network with regular events where you’ll be first to hear about new projects, developments, and opportunities.
  • Raising your profile – Opportunities to raise awareness of your organisation through:
  • A presence and potential speaking opportunities at key external business and investment events
  • Increased awareness of and where relevant, footfall to your business (hosting meetings and events at your venue, or offering up your business for private tours)
  • Your news stories on our website and supported across social media
  • Profiling in We are Staffordshire newsletter and communications
  • Media opportunities both regionally and nationally

Ambassador Registration

To sign up, please read our Ambassador Commitment information and complete the Ambassador Registration Form below

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