Staffordshire unveils new investment prospectus
In March, We Are Staffordshire, together with Make It Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire Investment Service launched the new Staffordshire Investment Prospectus to international investors at the MIPIM property marketplace in Cannes, South of France.
MIPIM is the world’s leading property market and attracts around 20,000 property professionals from around the world, including more than 5,000 investors, collectively representing hundreds of billions of pounds in capital.
The new prospectus sets the vision for a ‘Prosperous Staffordshire’; bringing together its unique offerings from all eight District and Borough Councils within the County, as well as showcasing its offer as the place to live, visit, study and invest.
It also presents 17 key major projects that will be regenerating and transforming Staffordshire over the next five years including Stafford Town Centre Regeneration, the West Midlands Interchange in South Staffordshire and Chatterley Valley West – the latest addition to UK’s most successful enterprise zone.
Cllr Alan White, Leader of Staffordshire County Council said:
“This prospectus sets out our vision for Staffordshire: a county of outstanding opportunity. Like any investment prospectus, it showcases development and infrastructure opportunities, but also paints the whole picture of Staffordshire and all we have to offer.
For investors and occupiers, we understand that connectivity and rateable value are still important, but the wider offer is now playing a more central role in decision making: the quality of life offer as a place to work, and live; healthcare; education; culture; history and attractions”
Cllr Philip White, Deputy Leader of Staffordshire County Council and Chair of the We Are Staffordshire Place Board said:
“We are ambitious in our vision for Staffordshire. Our economy has weathered the storm of COVID-19 well and we are in a strong position to push on with the development of our offer for investors.
Our aim remains that Staffordshire continues to build on our growing reputation on the national and international business map, whilst supporting a thriving environment for entrepreneurs and SMEs and capitalising on new innovative technologies and markets”