Work starts on Keele in Town development
Work is under way on Keele University’s new teaching, learning and community space in the heart of Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre.
Located on Ironmarket, Keele in Town will be a gateway where residents, community groups and businesses can collaborate with experts at the University and benefit from new learning and support opportunities.
Hoardings have been placed around the three-storey building while it is emptied and refurbished to create a new open, inviting and welcoming space.
The project is being funded by money from the Newcastle Town Deal: a successful bid by partners including the University and Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council to central Government for funding in Newcastle and Kidsgrove – to improve residents’ quality of life and boost economic regeneration.
Contractor Interclass, a company based in the Midlands, is undertaking the works to the building, which is expected to be open by the end of the year. The development will bring the previously empty 19th century building back to life as a mixed-use venue that will also feature a cafe. It will be a space where:
- Newcastle-under-Lyme residents and eligible businesses will be able to access a range of free digital support opportunities;
- Community events, such as art exhibitions, can be held;
- Keele students and staff can work flexibly;
- People and businesses can access free legal advice on certain areas of law from Keele’s Legal Advice Clinics;
- Small groups and businesses can meet and stage presentations.
Paul Hodgkinson, Director of Planning and Strategic Projects at Keele University, said: “We’re excited to be moving into the heart of the town centre in the same year the University is celebrating its 75th anniversary.
“This new facility will be a hub of learning and a place for people to connect with Keele and receive advice and support on a range of subjects, to help unlock the potential and career aspirations of local people in our community.”
Simon Tagg, Leader of Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, said: “One of this council’s key aims is to improve footfall in the town centre day and night and this exciting project will make Ironmarket a busier place by far.
“We’re keen that people and businesses in Newcastle make the most of the opportunities available to them. It’s a fantastic opportunity to tap into free digital learning and support, or access free legal advice.”
Keele’s presence in the town centre builds on a continuing programme of engagement with local communities. This includes supporting and collaborating with more than 1,000 Staffordshire businesses since 2016, supporting and playing an active role in community events, such as being headline sponsor for the Lymelight Festival, and putting on a vibrant community public arts programme through ArtsKeele.