Unrivalled infrastructure developments, including the A50/A500 corridor
A place to prosper
In Staffordshire we get things done; we create prosperity; we change the world. Here you’ll find a positive, can-do attitude and an energy and spirit similar to your own. We think the same way, share your ambitions, and want to help you realise them. And that’s what makes Staffordshire different – it’s a place where you can achieve whatever you want to achieve.
A place where you can prosper.
Download our investment prospectus to learn more about the opportunities available and the support in place to help your business prosper in Staffordshire.

A place that shares your ambitions
These are exciting times for Staffordshire. And for any business that decides to invest here. Major regional projects and various funding sources have aligned to create perfect conditions for growth, giving businesses large and small, unprecedented opportunities to maximise what our county has to offer.
More than £130 million of planned investment for our bustling and vibrant towns from Government funding
Direct access to a future talent pool from World class universities including Keele, Staffordshire, Derby and Nottingham
A cost-effective place to live, learn and thrive, we offer potential salary savings of 11.3% against the national average
Over 500,000 acres of rural land, making Staffordshire 80% green
Staffordshire’s ambition is to be a county with access to 100% Gigabit connectivity by 2030

The right place for you
If you share our ambitions to grow and succeed, and you want to realise them in our green and pleasant county, we’ll have just the place for you – whatever your business.
There are major projects transforming every one of our eight districts, with many more to come.
Stafford Station Gateway
A £500m scheme to create a new community with 900 homes, 12,000 sq m of innovative commercial space and a distinctive gateway to Stafford.
28 Hectares
Planning Status
Masterplan produced

An exciting opportunity for an important location in Stafford, to become a vibrant new community with new residential development (around 200 units) and active ground floor commercial sites.
2.9 Hectares
Planning Status
Land assembly taking place – planning applications to follow

Meecebrook Garden Community
A new and environmentally responsible community with strong HS2 links, could see thousands of new homes built alongside new schools, health facilities, parks, and business parks.
Planning Status
To be considered through the local plan process

Chatterley Valley West
The latest addition to one of the UK’s most successful Enterprise Zones, this development site extends to 90 acres, with planning consent for quality B1, B2 & B8 use across nearly 1.17 million sq. ft of industrial and logistics space.
43 Hectares
Planning Status
Planning approved

The redevelopment of a former 89-acre munitions factory for new employment opportunities, accommodating industrial, storage and distribution business uses with B1, B2 and B8 units and a new link road.
South Staffordshire
36 Hectares
Planning Status
Outline planning permission

A chance to redevelop unused land for mixed use development which could include housing, retirement living, a leisure centre, workspace, medical centre, evening leisure and a multi-storey car parking.
2.7 Hectares
Planning Status
Masterplan produced

Tamworth Town Centre Regeneration
A £40m ‘once in a generation’ opportunity that will meet the needs of 21st century shoppers, residents, and businesses, with a new college quarter, middle entry refurb, castle gateway & multi-purpose outdoor space.
Five major projects
Planning Status
Masterplan created

Stafford Town Centre Transformation
With work already underway to reinvigorate the historic Market Square ahead of residential and commercial redevelopment, funding is now in place for the £7.1 million Staffordshire History Centre, new enterprise hub and Stafford Western Access Road.
Five major projects
Planning Status
Masterplan created; individual projects progressing through planning

Rugeley Power Station
Transforming a former coal-fired power station into a sustainable and innovative mixed-use neighbourhood, including 2,300 new low carbon homes, a proposed low carbon Academy 5 hectares of employment space and a new 25-hectare country park.
Cannock Chase / Lichfield
139 Hectares
Planning Status
Outline approved with reserved matters consent for proposed school

Burton High Street Regeneration
Part of the Towns Fund programme, £23.8 million is allocated to deliver several projects that will enhance connectivity, skills, education and town centre vitality, incl. a modern food hall, indoor leisure facility, visitor centre and town centre homes.
East Staffordshire
Roughly 16 acres, one of a number of projects
Planning Status
Outline masterplan co-produced with residents

Lichfield City Centre Masterplan
Two mixed use developments in the City Centre Masterplan are being brought forward designed to reshape the landscape, bring long-term sustainable change and enable linked development across the wider city centre.
2 major developments
Planning Status
Planning from 2022

Cannock Town Centre Levelling Up
An opportunity to transform the Cannock town centre with leisure and culture spaces, improved travel connections, managed business and skills workspace and the removal of eyesores and celebration of assets.
Cannock Chase
£40m plus investment
Planning Status
Funding bid awarded

Newcastle-under-Lyme Town Centre
A combined £35 million investment from the Town Deal and Future High Street Funds will be used to create a well-connected town centre offering a variety of independent retailers and a unique blend of residential, leisure and cultural development.
Town centre re-development
Planning Status
Varies according to project

Kidsgrove Town Centre
Revitalising Kidsgrove town centre and promoting footfall by improving the flow and pedestrian connectivity between Kidsgrove’s key assets including the railway station, canal and town centre.
Kidsgrove Railway station, canal and gateway area
Planning Status
Masterplan under development

West Midlands Interchange
The UK’s most nationally significant rail-served logistics development, WMI will replace road freight for rail to offer 8 million sq ft of flexible premium logistics facilities, 8,500 jobs, two new country parks and a 70% reduction in carbon dioxide production.
South Staffordshire
8m sq ft
Planning Status
Pre-construction design and engagement

Keele University Science & Innovation Park
A leading development offering companies a business environment that provides an innovative research culture, combined with academic expertise and the University’s specialist resources.
70 Acres
Planning Status
Recognised as a strategic employment site in the Local Development Plan

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For more details or to arrange a meeting, contact our team.