FREE social media support for town centre businesses in Tamworth
Tamworth Borough Council are inviting established, new and early-stage Tamworth town centre businesses, to join a free, bespoke social media programme.
Join the programme for free advice and support from social media business experts and learn how to utilise your social media platforms and make it relevant to you and your business needs.
Social Boost is delivered in partnership with Digital Islands, providing businesses in Tamworth with advice and guidance to help improve their use of social media to promote their businesses and drive both sales and footfall into the town centre.
Joining the programme is easy, businesses should complete a short and simple online form, including details of existing social media profiles that they have.
Eligible participating business owners will receive two to three hours of one-to-one support with a social media specialist. The support will also include a review of existing social media channels, 1-1 bespoke guidance and support, access to a provision of templates and resources to support each business wanting to develop a marketing plan, a social media plan or strategy, and a content planning tool.
The programme will also recommend free or low-cost software tools to support use of social media.
Two photography sessions will also be held in the town centre for local business owners to utilise as part of content creation, and for a chance to feature in the Tamworth town centre business hub newsletter.
Complete the online form here: https://forms.gle/1HzfztBGMaNnapH6A.
Spaces are limited and so it is recommended that businesses sign up quickly.